- 2005年のストーナー号もしくはロカテリ号が製作可能です。
- 組み立てには別途T社製「93〜94 TZ250M」もしくは「90 NSR250」組み立てキット付属のタイヤパーツが別途必要になります。(その他のプラスチックパーツ等は必要ございません)
- キット内容
- This is not a trans kit. This is full kit, so you don't need a doner kit, but you need TAMIYA's tyre parts set
- This kit contains resin pasrts, silkscreen decal, screen part and instruction manual.
- This kit DOES NOT contain tyre parts set. You need to have TAMIYA's tyre parts set to build this kit.
KWK-05RSWL:2005 RSW250 #15/#27 Trans Kit
The racing stand part is not included. Please use a stand from the other kit.